I Built an Epic Ride for the Future!
I mentioned the great competition of LEGO and Harley Davidson a few weeks ago. So I joined the competition with a design. I prepared a design based on the 10269 LEGO Creator Expert Harley Davidson Fat Boy set. I started my design with Stud.io first by modeling the original set. Since I’m both a motorcycle rider and a LEGO fan, I already had a few major ideas in mind. First I started by changing the front fork. I prefer the leg bone-like fork, which is my favorite design.
In my opinion, this design looks much better on motorcycles than the standard one-post fork. However, you have also noticed that I have reduced the fender. They also have gold color nuts and a new wheel. I especially liked this wheel in Harley Davidson design.
Another major change is in the engine block. I used black and gold in the engine block in accordance with the gold nuts I used on the rim.
I always liked the harmony of matt black and gold. At the same time, the exhaust pipes also changed. There is a different exhaust layout compared to the original design.
The exhaust ends with chrome-colored parts. There are also matt black barrel pieces at the ends.
I started with the original design, but a lot has changed. Of course, rear tire and rear fork changed too. My favorite thing about Chopper-style bikes is a thin front wheel like a bicycle tire and a huge rear wheel like a tractor tire. The chain set, rear fork and rear fender have changed considerably to fit a rear wheel and rear wheel of appropriate size. I made the rear fender look more sporty. At the same time, the rear taillights have been reduced to match the new look.
Look at the back fork support that goes down diagonal. I think it was very nice. I’ve gained space for the gigantic rear tire by sliding the chain out thoroughly. That was one of the most challenging part for me. But I guess it was worth it.
Yet another change is in the handlebar. My favorite style was the T handlebar design. It really gives the motorcycle a different feel. When you think about the motorcycle of the future, you start thinking about sport designs for some reason. T handlebar is just like this design.
Speaking of sports design, I thought it wouldn’t be fair to put fairings. I’m not a big fan of fairings in choppers, but I thought it suited this design.
Thanks to the technic panel pieces, they enabled me to solve this fairing business successfully. The fairings concealed the brake and gear pedals. I also considered some studs of the old design as a good opportunity to put tiles on.
You can’t give this much detail and not show the big picture, fellas. Here is the complete design.
As of tomorrow, the fan vote phase begins. If I’m in the top 20, I’m gonna announce it. If you like my design, I would be very happy if you vote for me.
Have an awesome day! 🙂